def | Evolife.Graphics.Evolife_Window.Raise (self) |
| if self.closeEvent(None): QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance().quit() More...
def | Evolife.Graphics.Evolife_Window.closeEvent (self, event) |
| close satelite windows and stops the simulation More...
def | Evolife.Graphics.Evolife_Window.SWDestroyed (self, SW) |
| A satellite window has been destroyed - removes it from the list. More...
def | Evolife.Graphics.Evolife_Window.ReturnFromThread (self) |
| Processes graphic orders if in visible state returns -1 if Observer says the simulation is over. More...
def | Evolife.Graphics.Evolife_Window.Process_graph_orders (self) |
| Just let Observer know that display has taken place. More...
def | Evolife.Graphics.Evolife_Window.keyPressEvent (self, e) |
| processes actions such as Run, Step, Help... More...
def | Evolife.Graphics.Evolife_Window.EventInterpreter (self, Event) |
| Sends event to observer (useful for mouse events) More...
def | Evolife.Graphics.Evolife_Window.Start (SimulationStep, Obs, Capabilities='C', Options={}) |
| SimulationStep is a function that performs a simulation step Obs is the observer that stores statistics Capabilities (curves, genome display, trajectory display...) = any string of letters from: CFGNTP C = Curves F = Field (2D seasonal display) (excludes R) G = Genome display I = Image (same as Field, but no slider) L = Log Terminal N = social network display P = Photo (screenshot) R = Region (2D ongoing display) (excludes F) T = Trajectory display. More...