Evolife has been developed to study Genetic algorithms, Natural evolution and behavioural ecology.
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Tools.py File Reference

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class  Evolife.Tools.Tools.EvolifeError
class  Evolife.Tools.Tools.LimitedMemory
 memory buffer with limited length More...


namespace  Evolife
namespace  Evolife.Tools
namespace  Evolife.Tools.Tools
 Various functions.


def Evolife.Tools.Tools.decrease (x, M, Selection)
 Computes a decreasing function of x in [0,M] which sums to 1 1/(x+M) normalized for x in [0,M]. More...
def Evolife.Tools.Tools.chances (proba, N)
 computes what one gets from a maximum of N with probability proba More...
def Evolife.Tools.Tools.uniform (proba, Max=1)
 computes random uniform variable between 0 and Max More...
def Evolife.Tools.Tools.fortune_wheel (Probabilities)
 draws one one the pie shares y picking a location uniformly More...
def Evolife.Tools.Tools.percent (x)
def Evolife.Tools.Tools.noise_mult (x, range_)
 returns x affected by a multiplicative uniform noise between 1-range_/100 and 1+range_/100 More...
def Evolife.Tools.Tools.noise_add (x, range_)
 returns x affected by an additive uniform noise between -range_ and range_ More...
def Evolife.Tools.Tools.transpose (Matrix)
 groups ith items in each list of Matrix More...
def Evolife.Tools.Tools.Nb2A (Nb)
 converts a number into letters - Useful to list files in correct order More...
def Evolife.Tools.Tools.Nb2A0 (Nb)
 converts a number into a padded string More...
def Evolife.Tools.Tools.Polygon (x, Points=())
 computes a polygon function crossing all points in Points More...
def Evolife.Tools.Tools.FileAnalysis (FileName, Pattern, Flag=re.M)
 Analyses the content of a file and returns all matching occurrences of Pattern. More...
def Evolife.Tools.Tools.List2File (L, FileName)
 Saves a list of strings into a file. More...
def Evolife.Tools.Tools.error (ErrMsg, Explanation='')
def Evolife.Tools.Tools.warning (WMsg, Explanation='')
def Evolife.Tools.Tools.boost ()


 Evolife.Tools.Tools.GrayTable = EvolifeGray.GrayCode()
 Evolife.Tools.Tools.P = Parameters('../Evolife.evo')
int Evolife.Tools.Tools.M = 10
 Evolife.Tools.Tools.S = P.Parameter('Selectivity')