Evolife has been developed to study Genetic algorithms, Natural evolution and behavioural ecology.
CEvolife.Examples.GraphicExample.Agent | Class Agent: defines what an individual consists of |
CEvolife.Social.Alliances.club | Class club: list of individuals associated with their performance |
CEvolife.Ecology.Observer.Curve | Legend of a curve (color, text) for Experiment_Observer |
CEvolife.Graphics.Curves.Curve | Holds a complete (continuous) curve in memory |
CEvolife.Ecology.Observer.Curves | Legend of a curves for Experiment_Observer |
▼CEvolife.Graphics.Curves.Curves | Stores a list of 'Curves' |
▼CEvolife.Graphics.Plot_Area.Draw_Area | Draw_Area: Basic drawing Area |
CEvolife.Graphics.Plot_Area.Ground | Defines a 2-D region where agents are located and may move |
CEvolife.Graphics.Plot_Area.Plot_Area | Graphic area for displaying curves # |
▼CEvolife.Genetics.DNA.DNA | Class DNA: individuals' 'DNA' defined as a string of bits |
▼CEvolife.Genetics.Genome.Genome | Class Genome: list of genes carried by individuals |
CEvolife.Ecology.Individual.EvolifeIndividual | Individual + genome + phenome + social links |
CEvolife.Graphics.Evolife_Batch.Evolife_Batch | Simulation in batch mode (no vizualisation) # |
▼CIndividual.EvolifeIndividual | |
CEvolife.Scenarii.CustomScenario.Individual_ | Class Individual_: defines what an individual consists of |
CEvolife.Ecology.Observer.Examiner | Groups several storages in different slots with different names |
▼CException | |
CEvolife.Tools.Tools.EvolifeError | |
▼CObserver.Experiment_Observer | |
CEvolife.Social.SocialSimulation.Social_Observer | Stores some global observation and display variables |
▼CEvolife.Social.Alliances.Friend | Class Friend: defines an individual's acqaintances |
▼CEvolife.Social.Alliances.Follower | Augmented version of Friends for asymmetrical links - replaces 'Alliances' |
CEvolife.Ecology.Individual.EvolifeIndividual | Individual + genome + phenome + social links |
CEvolife.Social.SocialSimulation.Social_Individual | A social individual has friends and can learn |
CEvolife.Genetics.Genome.Gene | Actual gene (semantic segment on DNA) with intensity A Gene also knows its locus (position in the list of genes, as defined in genetic map) |
CEvolife.Genetics.Genetic_map.Gene_def | Definition of semantic segments on DNA |
▼CEvolife.Ecology.Observer.Generic_Observer | Minimal observer |
▼CEvolife.Ecology.Observer.Experiment_Observer | Typical observer for an experiment with parameters |
▼CEvolife.Ecology.Observer.Observer | Contains instantaneous data updated from the simulation for statistics and display |
▼CEvolife.Ecology.Observer.EvolifeObserver | Evolife-aware observer based on the use of a scenario |
CEvolife.Scenarii.CustomScenario.Observer | Observer stores display instructions and makes statistics See Evolife/Apps/GraphicExample.py for examples |
▼CObserver.Generic_Observer | |
CEvolife.Examples.GraphicExample.GrObserver | Stores all values that should be displayed May also store general information |
▼CEvolife.Genetics.Genetic_map.Genetic_map | Genetic_map is a series of genes, located one after the other |
CEvolife.Genetics.Genetic_map.GMTest | |
▼CEvolife.Scenarii.Default_Scenario.Default_Scenario | All functions defined here can be overloaded in specific scenarii (see module doc) |
CEvolife.Scenarii.CustomScenario.Scenario | Implement a scenario here, by instantiating Default_Scenario |
CEvolife.Ecology.Learner.Global | General functions: Closer, Perturbate, Limitate, Decrease |
▼CEvolife.Ecology.Group.Group | A group is mainly a list of individuals |
▼CEvolife.Ecology.Group.EvolifeGroup | Class Group: list of individuals that interact and reproduce |
CEvolife.Scenarii.CustomScenario.Group | Calls local class when creating individuals |
▼CEvolife.Ecology.Individual.Individual | Class Individual: basic individual |
CEvolife.Ecology.Individual.EvolifeIndividual | Individual + genome + phenome + social links |
▼CEvolife.Graphics.Landscape.LandCell | Defines what's in one location on the ground |
CEvolife.Graphics.Landscape.LandCell_3D | Same as LandCell, plus a third dimension |
▼CEvolife.Graphics.Landscape.Landscape | A 2-D square toric grid |
CEvolife.Graphics.Landscape.Landscape_3D | Same as Landscape, but stores a third dimension in cells |
CEvolife.Ecology.Learner.Learner | Defines learning capabilities |
▼CLearner.Learner | |
CEvolife.Social.SocialSimulation.Social_Individual | A social individual has friends and can learn |
▼CEvolife.Tools.Tools.LimitedMemory | Memory buffer with limited length |
CEvolife.Ecology.Learner.LimitedMemory_ | Memory buffer with limited length |
▼CParameters.Parameters | |
CEvolife.Social.SocialSimulation.Global | Global elements, mainly parameters |
CEvolife.Ecology.Phenotype.Phene | Class Phene: define a non-heritable characteristics |
▼CEvolife.Ecology.Phenotype.Phenome | Class Phenome: set of non inheritable characteristics |
CEvolife.Ecology.Individual.EvolifeIndividual | Individual + genome + phenome + social links |
▼CEvolife.Ecology.Population.Population | List of Groups Minimal version |
▼CEvolife.Ecology.Population.EvolifePopulation | Population + reproduction + call to Scenario life_game |
CEvolife.Scenarii.CustomScenario.Population | Calls local class when creating group |
CEvolife.Examples.GraphicExample.Population | Defines the population of agents |
▼CQtWidgets.QGraphicsScene | |
▼CEvolife.Graphics.Plot_Area.Image_Area | Basic graphic area type # |
CEvolife.Graphics.Plot_Area.Draw_Area | Draw_Area: Basic drawing Area |
▼CQtWidgets.QGraphicsView | |
▼CEvolife.Graphics.Evolife_Graphic.AreaView | Standard canvas plus resizing capabilities |
▼CEvolife.Graphics.Evolife_Graphic.Active_Frame | An Active_frame reacts to basic keyboard control |
▼CEvolife.Graphics.Evolife_Graphic.Satellite_window | Satellite windows are floating windows with zooming abilities |
▼CEvolife.Graphics.Evolife_Graphic.Field_window | A graphic area that displays moving agents # |
CEvolife.Graphics.Evolife_Graphic.Trajectory_window | Synonymous for Field_window |
CEvolife.Graphics.Evolife_Graphic.Genome_window | Genome_window: An image area that displays binary genomes |
CEvolife.Graphics.Evolife_Graphic.Image_window | Image_window: Merely contains an image area |
CEvolife.Graphics.Evolife_Graphic.Network_window | Network_window: A drawing area that displays social links The population is displayed twice, on two horizontal axes |
▼CEvolife.Graphics.Evolife_Window.Simulation_Control_Frame | Minimal control panel with [Run] [Step] [Help] and [quit] buttons |
▼CEvolife.Graphics.Evolife_Window.Simulation_Display_Control_Frame | This class combines a control panel and a slider for controlling display period |
▼CEvolife.Graphics.Evolife_Window.Simulation_Frame | This class combines a control panel and a space to display curves |
CEvolife.Graphics.Evolife_Window.Evolife_Frame | Defines Evolife main window by modification of the generic Simulation Frame |
▼CQtWidgets.QTextBrowser | |
▼CEvolife.Graphics.Evolife_Graphic.Help_window | Displays a text file supposed to provide help |
CEvolife.Graphics.Evolife_Graphic.Legend_window | Displays legend for curves |
CEvolife.Graphics.Screen.Screen_ | Stores characteristics of physical display |
▼CEvolife.Graphics.Evolife_Window.Simulation_Control | Interface with the simulation thread # |
CEvolife.Graphics.Evolife_Window.Simulation_Control_Frame | Minimal control panel with [Run] [Step] [Help] and [quit] buttons |
CEvolife.Social.SocialSimulation.Social_Population | Defines a population of interacting agents |
▼CEvolife.Ecology.Observer.Storage | Kind of matrix |
▼CEvolife.Ecology.Observer.Meta_Examiner | Meta storage: stores several lower-level examiners having same slots and performs weighted statistics for each slot |
CEvolife.Ecology.Observer.Observer | Contains instantaneous data updated from the simulation for statistics and display |
CEvolife.Ecology.Observer.NumericStorage | Storage + basic statistics |
CEvolife.Graphics.Curves.Stroke | Stroke: drawing element (point or segment) # |
CEvolife.Graphics.Evolife_Graphic.ViewEvent | Structure of Events # |
▼CParameters | |
CEvolife.Genetics.Genetic_map.GMTest | |
CEvolife.Scenarii.Default_Scenario.Default_Scenario | All functions defined here can be overloaded in specific scenarii (see module doc) |
▼CThread | |
CEvolife.Graphics.Simulation_Thread.Simulation | Simulation Thread # |