Evolife has been developed to study Genetic algorithms, Natural evolution and behavioural ecology.
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NGroupGroups are lists of Individuals
 NIndividualAn Individual has a genome, several genes, a score and behaviours
 NLearnerSimple trial-and-error learning mechanism
 NObserverGets data from various modules and stores them for display and statistics
 NPhenotypeDefinition of phenotype as non inheritable characters
 NPopulationA population is a set of semi-permeable groups
 NGraphicExampleThis example shows how to use Evolife's graphic system (based on PyQT) to run simulations that display images,dots and lines, and curves
 NDNAGenomes in EVOLIFE are defined as a binary strings
 NGenetic_mapDefinition of genes as DNA segment having semantics
 NGenomeDefinition of genes as DNA segments having semantics
 NCurvesStores data that can be used to plot curves and stored into a file
 NEvolife_BatchRun Evolife without any display
 NEvolife_GraphicWindows that display Genomes, Labyrinth and Social networks for Evolife
 NEvolife_WindowEvolife Window system
 NLandscapeThis class defines a 2D square grid on which agents can move
 NPlot_AreaWindows that display Curves or images
 NScreenPhysical display (Screen and monitors)
 NSimulation_ThreadSimulation thread
 NCustomScenarioCustomized scenario
 NDefault_ScenarioDetermines how individuals acquire their score, either by themselves or through interactions
 NAlliancesIndividuals inherit this class which determines who is friend with whom
 NSocialSimulationA basic framework to run social simulations
 NToolsVarious functions